Skyscanner shares travel insights during UAE Half-Term

Big Ben in sunny day, London

Global travel marketplace Skyscanner highlights the top searched destinations from the UAE during the week of half term holidays. According to the latest update, searches are up +185% compared to the previous year and booking windows for flights in February also see an increase compared to 2022, suggesting a return to pre-pandemic booking windows as consumer confidence continues to grow and travellers book flights earlier.

Travel searches within the GCC – top 3:

  1. Saudi Arabia (+494% increase compared to previous year)
  2. Qatar (+626% increase compared to previous year)
  3. Oman (+231% increase compared to previous year)


International travel searches – top 10

  1. India (+292% increase compared to previous year)
  2. Pakistan (+246% increase compared to previous year)
  3. United Kingdom (+178% increase compared to previous year)
  4. Egypt (+238% increase compared to previous year)
  5. Thailand (+522% increase compared to previous year)
  6. Philippines (-16% decrease compared to previous year)
  7. Maldives (+569% increase compared to previous year)
  8. Italy (+103% increase compared to previous year)
  9. Germany (+143% increase compared to previous year)
  10. United States (+162% increase compared to previous year)

Flight bookings made more than 30 days before departure in February 2023 are up 7% compared to 2022, whilst flight bookings made less than 30 days before departure are down 6% from the previous year.