Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security” reviews 6 innovative projects that apply future technologies in providing smart services

The Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security (ICA) showcased  6 innovative projects that reflect the authority’s leadership in the field of digital transformation and employing the latest technologies to develop the smart services system to meet the aspirations of customers and their current and future needs at the recently concluded GITEX Global event in Dubai. The list of projects that DEWA is participating in during the current edition of the exhibition includes 6 diverse projects, namely the Wired Your ID project, the Emirates Express Corridor, Smart Travel, Institutional Connectivity Services, Bureaucracy Zeroing Platform, and Digital Certification via Face Print.

His Excellency Major General Suhail Saeed Al Khaili, Director General of the Authority, stressed that  the Authority’s participation during the current session of the exhibition is characterized by the diversity of its displayed projects, the quality and leadership of the innovative ideas it contains, and its continuous endeavor to delight the beneficiary customers, in addition to that it reflects the Authority’s constant keenness and clear vision to develop the service system according to the pulse of the customer, foresee the future, predict developments and prepare for them by creating development projects that contribute to supporting the security of society and make its members happy by providing flexible proactive services that support security. Controlling border crossings enhances the economic growth of the state and attracts entrepreneurs and those with talent and experience.

His Excellency added that DEWA’s participation reflects the advanced level achieved by DEWA in the field of digital transformation and the development of the smart services system that is provided to customers, community members and those wishing to visit the country, work, invest and live in it, as well as its great ability to optimally employ innovation  , creativity and future foresight tools  to serve all members of society and strengthen the strategic partnership with government agencies and the private sector.

His Excellency pointed out that DEWA adopts an advanced system for innovation and creativity in the field of digital transformation, implementation of operations and provision of smart services, and DEWA’s future plan in this regard includes many innovative future projects that enhance the customer experience and facilitate the journey of obtaining services as soon as possible, pointing out that DEWA’s participation in GITEX Global this year sheds light on this innovative system in the field of services by reviewing 6 vital and strategic projects that delight customers and improve The quality of life of the community and supports the UAE’s global leadership.

“Smart Travel”

H.E. Major General Suhail Saeed Al Khaili added: “The Smart Travel Project is one of the most important pioneering projects in the field of travel, as it contributes to the development of the passenger’s journey at Zayed International Airport by capturing the passenger’s biometric fingerprints at all crossing points used electronically by passengers during the travel trip, by installing biometric capture devices that identify the traveler by scanning the face print without the need to present the passport or boarding pass at any of the seven crossing points that The traveler passes through it.

His Excellency stated that the project achieves many advantages and added value for passengers, airports, airlines, as well as ports and passport departments, pointing out that the project provides travelers with an enjoyable, comfortable and effort-free personal travel experience by crossing travelers from crossing points in an easy, smart and smooth way.

“I want you to give you your ID.”

His Excellency the Director General of the Authority said that  the “Your Identity Wired” project relies on  contactless payment technology  via the palm vein in an innovative step to enhance the experience of customers in paying the value of their purchases through the palm vein and without contact, and pointed out that the advantage of the “Your Identity Wired” project is that the customer does not have to present a bank card or contact with any device when completing the payment process, in addition to to the higher level of security since there is no apparent bank data that can be shared or stolen.

“Face Print in Digital Certification”

His Excellency Major General Suhail Saeed Al Khaili stressed that   the digital certification project through the face print is based on the adoption of the face print as an alternative to the ID card in the provision of services, where the face print is linked to the person’s data in the population register at the authority, which makes it easier for government and semi-government institutions and private companies to provide services to customers without the need for an ID card, by using the face print service to prove the personal identity of individuals and verify the beneficiaries of the services.

His Excellency continued: “The project leads to increasing the quality of digital government services, supporting the justice and security sector, providing security and protection, avoiding irresponsible exploitation and use of the ID card, speed and ease of access to services without interference or contact, accuracy and reliability in the delivery of services and overcoming impersonation.

“Emirates Expressway”

His Excellency said that among the Authority’s important projects at GITEX Global is the UAE Express Corridor project, which includes a new application that registers passenger data  before their arrival in the country in advance to facilitate the movement of passengers and the use of smart gates without the need to register through approved registration platforms, explaining that the project contributes to strengthening the UAE’s leadership in the field of digital transformation and employing technology to delight members of society., and tourists and visitors to the UAE by zeroing bureaucracy, shortening the time of procedures and applying the best innovations and practices that contribute to providing them with a more enjoyable and comfortable travel trip.

“Institutional Linkage”

His Excellency the Director General of the Authority addressed the institutional connectivity services project, which is being displayed on the Authority’s stand at GITEX Global, pointing out that this project aims to support the electronic connectivity structure between the Authority and strategic partners from government and private agencies, in a way that enhances the decision-making process and strategic planning, achieves electronic and smart transformation, and improves the services provided to public and private sector institutions through the availability and sharing of data.In accordance with the highest international technical and security standards, which ultimately leads to the fulfillment of the elements of quality and efficiency in providing servicesrelated to personnel data .

“Bureaucratic zeroing platform”

His Excellency added that the Authority’s participation in the bureaucracy zeroing program resulted in the development of 30 services of the Authority, where services were distributed  15 services related to residency and foreigners affairs, 6 services related to identity and passports, 3 joint services related to residency,  foreigners affairs, identity and passports, 3 services related to port security, and 3 services related to support services.

Among the additional efforts and projects carried out by the Authority during the bureaucracy zeroing program is the launch of the month of zeroing bureaucracy with the aim of promoting and spreading the culture of bureaucracy, bureaucracy zeroing expert, preparing leaders specialized in the field of zeroing government bureaucracy, and the charter of zeroing bureaucracy, to ensure adherence to the principles of zeroing bureaucracy.