Travel metasearch website launches feature that highlights female-led travel businesses – plus other locations of interest to women

Travel metasearch website WayAway has recently introduced a new category on its maps and listings called ‘female traveller approved points of interest’. According to research by WayAway shows 87% of female travellers would give preference to a ‘female-led’ hotel and almost half would pay more. Over 100 listings are included for launch with target of low thousands for year end – with over 200 on-the-ground representatives around the world looking out for more already. These points of interest could include the fact that the owners, founders, or senior management of a hotel or restaurant or shop are females – or simply that the point of interest has a female focus, for example a museum or monument celebrating women. Over 100 points of interest were included for the recent launch and WayAway aims to increase this into the low thousands by the close of the year.