brings Saudi Arabia’s Wonders to Life at Rajkot Roadshow

The vibrant city of Rajkot recently witnessed an extraordinary roadshow, hosted by in collaboration with the Saudi Tourism Authority, at Fortune Park JPS Grand, a distinguished member of the ITC hotel group. This event brought the enchanting wonders of Saudi Arabia to life for an engaged and interactive audience of local travel agents, showcasing the myriad benefits they can enjoy through

The roadshow was an overwhelming success, creating an electrifying atmosphere filled with curiosity and excitement. Travel agents from Rajkot and neighbouring areas attended with great enthusiasm, eager to explore the dynamic and rapidly evolving attractions of Saudi Arabia. Their palpable passion for the destination’s rich cultural and historical offerings was both inspiring and contagious.

Mr. Hussain Dalal, Market Manager Leisure – West & South, Saudi Tourism Authority, delivered a captivating presentation, highlighting Saudi Arabia’s hidden gems and unforgettable experiences. His insights brought the destination’s unique travel opportunities to life, leaving attendees eager to share these experiences with their clients. seized this opportunity to emphasize the extensive benefits and exceptional support they offer to travel agents through their platform. They showcased their advanced booking system, a diverse range of travel services, and dedicated customer service, underscoring their commitment to enhancing travel experiences and driving innovation in the industry. This roadshow exemplified RezLive’s dedication to empowering travel agents with the tools and knowledge necessary to craft unforgettable journeys for their clients.

“We are thrilled to have ignited a passion for exploring Saudi Arabia among the travel agents in Rajkot,” said Jaal Shah, Group Managing Director at Travel Designer Group. “We are confident that this newfound enthusiasm will translate into unforgettable journeys for their clients.”

RezLive continues to lead the travel industry, fostering connections and creating unparalleled travel experiences. The success of this roadshow highlights their dedication to promoting exciting new destinations and ensuring travel agents are well-equipped with the knowledge and resources needed to inspire their clients.