Tag Archives: technology define guest experiences

Technology will redefine total guest experiences over the next 10 years: HPE Aruba shares

As it finally starts to emerge from crisis mode, new predictions from Aruba reveal how businesses in the hospitality sector will proactively leverage technology to deliver enhanced total guest experiences across the next decade. Following a transformative few years, which saw the entire industry adopt critical technology solutions in order to survive, hotels and venues have grown increasingly adept at offering seamless digital-first experiences. As they look ahead, however, this reliance on digital technology poses potential challenges to an industry that is built on human-to-human experiences. Aruba worked with global trends agency Foresight Factory to uncover five ways in which hospitality businesses will adapt to evolving consumer demands to offer the perfect balance between the digital and physical worlds. HOSPITALITY COMPANIES WILL BE SERVING UP PRESENCE-FREE OPTIONS Building on current contactless trends such as digital check-in and biometric payments, hospitality companies will be able to welcome guests that are not present at their venue at all, using innovative technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and the metaverse to offer presence-free experiences to “visitors” anywhere in the world. THE GUEST EXPERIENCE WILL START WELL BEFORE THEY ARRIVE AND CONTINUE LONG AFTER THEY LEAVE (AKA THE RISE OF ‘PRETAILTAINMENT’) Forget looking at photos or scanning the menu. In the future, guests will no longer do anything without first trying out the fully interactive, immersive digital option. As the virtual experience becomes a non-negotiable precursor to the real event, companies will begin to offer more creative, elaborate and personalized “pretailtainment” options. Meanwhile ‘post-stay’ services will also be available, rounding out the total experience.   THE GUEST EXPERIENCE WILL HAVE BECOME A COMMUNITY UNDERTAKING The future will see hospitality companies form …

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