UAE’s newest 14-year-old resident is an excellent swimmer, weighs 115KG and prefers a diet of ducks and rabbits. When measured, 12 people had to hold her at full length. Hold on to your seats, we are talking about, what is believed to be, the largest living snake on display in the world! Super Snake is a seven-metre reticulated python and The National Aquarium at Al Qana in Abu Dhabi is her new home. She will live at the Flooded Forest Zone along with more than 8,000 fascinating rainforest creatures. Native to South and Southeast Asia, the reticulated python is the world’s longest snake. They can grow to be over 5 meters long in the wild, with the largest ever recorded at 10 meters. Although this species is non-venomous, they kill prey by wrapping themselves around them and constricting tighter as the victim exhales. Making them even scarier, Pythons’ jaws are connected by very flexible ligaments allowing them to stretch around large prey and swallow them whole. Reticulated Pythons are wildly feared due to their size and ferocity and are among the few snakes that can prey on humans. Although attacks on humans are not common, this species has been responsible for several reported human fatalities. Considering their incredible size, a full-grown reticulated python can open its jaws wide enough to swallow a small person. There have been numerous reports of people being eaten by reticulated pythons, particularly on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi and Super Snake is of similar size to these reported man-eaters. The UAE’s new Super Snake, on the other hand, was born in a Los Angeles captive breeding program. She has grown accustomed to human contact during …
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