Tag Archives: mirai

Hotels could generate up to 2% additional income this summer by selling extras

Mirai shared that selling extras is a strategic way to enhance guest satisfaction and significantly boost hotel revenue. For instance, extras like show tickets or spa access, per room for something like late check-out, or per booking for parking or car rentals etc. The quantity could be per night for extras like an additional bed, or a one-time charge for things like a parking fee. By starting small, focusing on high-margin items, and ensuring proper integration and management, hotels can effectively implement and benefit from an extras strategy. With thoughtful execution, selling extras can transform hotel’s summer revenue potential.  Hotels have a prime opportunity to boost their revenue by offering add-ons to their guests. Enhancing the guest experience with thoughtfully curated extras not only increases satisfaction but can also significantly impact the hotel’s bottom line. Hotels face several challenges when selling extras through their direct booking channels, but overcoming these can greatly enhance both revenue and guest satisfaction. Strategically, hotels must balance the desire to boost income with the complexities that come with managing additional services. Starting small and scaling gradually helps avoid overwhelming staff and guests. On the marketing front, it’s crucial to effectively promote these add-ons using enticing visuals, clear descriptions, and pricing that resonates with the hotel’s brand and customer expectations, ensuring the options enhance the guest experience without causing decision fatigue. Operationally, the focus should be on streamlining processes to ensure that offering extras doesn’t become a logistical burden. This involves integrating these offerings into existing systems, coordinating with suppliers, and aligning extras with the hotel’s policies and procedures. By addressing these challenges, hotels can create a more appealing and profitable direct booking. Pablo Delgado, CEO …

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Mirai announces 18% increase in direct hotel sales share in Spain for summer 2024 due to efforts from hoteliers to boost profitability

The share of hotels sold via the direct channel in Spain increased by an average of 18% during the summer of 2024 over other channels thanks to the determination of the hoteliers to improve the profitability of the hotels again, according to data from Mirai. Although during the initial weeks of the UEFA Euro Cup 2024 sales growth slowed down, probably also due to the bad weather in Spain, in the last few days the company has observed that growth is picking up again. This rebound suggests a potentially very positive last-minute booking trend in most tourist destinations. At a global level Mirai – which provides hotels with technology and operations support to sell in the direct channel – has experienced an 11% increase of direct hotel roomnights sales worldwide, with Spain surpassing this figure with a 12% rise and ADR increasing by around 7%. Spain’s primary inbound source markets, excluding the domestic market, have shown remarkable growth in nights booked compared to 2023. Specifically, the United Kingdom source market has seen a 12% increase, with source markets such as the United States at 18% and Germany at 14%. “2024 is proving to be a landmark year for Spain’s tourism sector, especially for hotels’ direct bookings and the increase in direct hotel sales share this summer” said Javier Delgado Muerza, CEO EMEA at Mirai. “This remarkable growth in direct hotel bookings is thanks to the hard work of hoteliers and our team’s commitment to boosting their profitability”. “To continue this positive trend, we advise hoteliers to focus on a few key areas. First, maintain a clean and organised distribution strategy to ensure seamless booking experiences for guests by offering the …

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