Tag Archives: accessible tourists

dnata continues to invest in training and equipment to enhance travel experience for People of Determination

dnata continues to invest in innovative initiatives, equipment, and training to enhance the travel experience of People of Determination, and lead the aviation industry in the special handling of passengers. dnata’s Special Handling unit offers point-to-point assistance to People of Determination, supporting 1.3 million passengers annually throughout their airport journey across DXB’s three terminals. All 1,300 customer-oriented staff at dnata receive comprehensive training prior to joining operations. Training at dnata focuses on customer service, and for employees to understand the unique needs of People of Determination. It also tackles the handling of special equipment such as the three types of adult wheelchairs provided by dnata: a conventional wheelchair; a STAXI wheelchair which incorporates a baggage stowage area below the chair; and a cabin wheelchair used for passengers with special needs who require assistance to and from the aircraft seat, and which is specially designed to fit in the aisle of an aircraft. dnata’s equipment for passengers with special needs are designed for differing levels of needs. Based on the feedback from customers during the AccessAbility Expo in Dubai, the company’s most recent initiatives include the procurement of wheelchairs specially designed for children. To be introduced later this year, these new wheelchairs will offer a better fit for children and make young travellers feel more safe and comfortable. The company’s fleet also includes medical high-loaders to help those with mobility issues access aircraft parked at remote stands. dnata also possesses a ProMove Sling, an innovative moving and handling device for passengers with limited mobility. The light and portable sling’s strategically placed handles make lifting a passenger from their aircraft seat to the cabin wheelchair a dignified process without service staff having …

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